Meter maid masker writing up a ticket on Fat Tuesday, as trashy diva revelers sporting caution tape smile at the camera
Parade Maps and Apps

Parade Maps and Apps

In 2025, Mardi Gras happenings and parades begin on Twelfth Night (January 6) and run through Fat Tuesday (March 4). Never has it been easier to have vital information at your fingertips — and not just for the big float parades that draw most of the attention.

American Routes

American Routes

Produced and hosted by Nick Spitzer, New Orleans-based American Routes is a nationally distributed radio program usually focusing on individual artists or particular themes, musical genres, holidays, events or places.

Louisiana Music Factory

Louisiana Music Factory

Louisiana Music Factory is an essential destination — a veritable shrine worthy of pilgrimage — in a city whose musical heritage and vibrancy is second to none.



The mission of the “Guardians of the Groove” at WWOZ is to serve as the worldwide voice, archive and flag-bearer of New Orleans culture and musical heritage.

Parties and Balls

Parties and Balls

While “society” Carnival balls are private affairs for krewe members and their invited, formally attired guests, some krewe fêtes — including post-parade “extravaganzas” staged by Endymion, Orpheus and Tucks — are accessible to non-members. Costuming or fancy dress, drinking and dancing, live music, frivolity and pretend royalty are all key ingredients in the common quest to let pleasure rule.

How to Ride in a Parade

How to Ride in a Parade

Riding on a float in a Mardi Gras parade — bestowing coveted baubles into the outstretched hands of a jazzed crowd — can be quite a thrill. Fortunately for those with a yen to play Santa Claus, some parading krewes let outsiders join in the fun — for a price. A ride...

Parade Ladders

Parade Ladders

Step ladders with seats attached are a favorite way to provide kids with a prime parade perch and help them snag lots of throws.

Flashing for Beads

Flashing for Beads

As flashing for beads has evolved into a Mardi Gras pastime, “Show your tits!” has become as much a part of the lexicon as “Throw me something, mister!” But those inclined to revel in the risqué should be mindful of the fact that what was once a spontaneous and casual...

Balconies & Grandstands

Balconies & Grandstands

While there’s something to be said for mixing it up with the hoi polloi in the streets, let’s face it: The crowds can get thick and unruly, and a restricted-access perch access does offer certain advantages.

Drinking and Mardi Gras

Drinking and Mardi Gras

Alcohol flows more freely in New Orleans than almost anywhere else in the United States, and New Orleans cops are generally tolerant of intoxicated partiers caught up in the thrall of Mardi Gras Madness. But those looking to take full advantage of the city’s famously...

Weather and Clothing

Weather and Clothing

Weather in New Orleans during Mardi Gras can vary considerably, so be sure to pack appropriate clothing.

Hotel Rooms

Hotel Rooms

Factors to weigh in choosing hotels for Mardi Gras and when to book them.

Dealing with the Police

Dealing with the Police

New Orleans cops generally take a “live and let live” approach during Mardi Gras, but that doesn’t mean the coast is all clear when sailing several sheets to the wind. Every year during the party frenzy ending at midnight on Fat Tuesday, a multitude of imbibers and...

Driving and Parking

Driving and Parking

Perhaps the only thing worse than getting caught in parade-related traffic is returning from a parade to find your car has been towed for being illegally parked. The city’s Parking Violations Bureau is notoriously unmerciful during Mardi Gras, so if you’re driving,...

Bringing the Kids

Bringing the Kids

Bringing the kids to Mardi Gras is routine for most locals but more of a logistical challenge for visitors.

Tips and Tricks Intro

Tips and Tricks Intro

Advice and insights on navigating the ins and outs of a sprawling extravaganza that can be challenging to get one’s arms around.

Throw-Catching Tips

Throw-Catching Tips

Increasing your chances of reaping a worthy share of the coveted spoils begins with recognizing that, while throws are sometimes tossed at random to parade audiences, most of what float riders toss is aimed at specific people, with a lot of the best stuff saved for...

Words to the Wise

Words to the Wise

Be mindful of the fact that the laissez-faire atmosphere of Mardi Gras can cause visitors to become more prone to take risks and let their guard down. Especially for those seeking to revel in the risqué side of the festivities, some precautions are in order.Watching...

Parade Tips

Parade Tips

New Orleans Mardi Gras parades are a feast for the senses, with floats that bemuse and entertain, bands full of joyful noise, inspired dance troupes and showers of baubles that stoke an exhilarating feeding frenzy. Can’t you almost feel da boom of dat big bass drum?...

All things Mardi Gras in New Orleans